About Us
Established in Newport in 1869 to help local people build homes, we now help people across Wales and England buy properties and save for their future.
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28 Aug 2024

Join us at our family fun day!

Our Cardiff branch will be hosting a family fun day on Thursday 29th August.

The event will take place at our branch on Queen Street in the capital, starting at 10am and will finishing at 2pm.

The event will bring together some of our partners including TARIAN regional cyber crime unit and Stop Loan Shark Wales who will be offering advice to help people to keep safe online and discuss what warning signs to look for when using finances online. 

Our charity partner, Shelter Cymru will also be there to raise awareness of the thousands of people across Wales who are affected by the housing emergency.

There will be fun games and activities for all the family in branch.

Pop along to see us, we can’t wait to meet you.