About Us
Established in Newport in 1869 to help local people build homes, we now help people across Wales and England buy properties and save for their future.
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11 Sep 2024

Start saving with our Budget Buddy

As part of UK Savings Week, we’re talking to Sally Williams, Branch Manager in our Cardiff branch. Sally talked us through how our budget buddy tool can help members get started with their savings.

Ever wonder where all your money goes?

We have been lucky enough to have the Budget Buddy initiative in our branches since 2022 which we have shared with colleagues, members and our surrounding communities.

It’s a simple way of working out how much you have coming in, how much goes out and, if you’re lucky enough, how much you have left. It’s a non-judgemental document and a helpful tool to identify areas where you might be able to save money. Seeing it written down as opposed to on an app is a quick way of understanding where your money goes each month!

The Budget Buddy breaks everything down into easy-to-understand sections – there’s nothing that isn’t covered on there – everything from your essential payments (rent/mortgage payment, council tax, gas, electricity etc.) to the extras (holidays, MOT’s, fuel etc.) There’s also a section on insurances, should this be an area of expense for you.

What I love most about this document is the ability to note down what your goal is and to be able to document the steps you need to take to achieve it. It might be to call your mortgage provider to discuss a mortgage rate, speak to your electricity provider for a new deal or cancel a rarely used gym membership.

This isn’t a one-off document either. Use it month after month and see the difference changes could make - getting closer to your goal is a great feeling.

The Budget Buddy tool is always available for our colleagues and members to complete, making this a fully accessible and practical way to start your savings journey.

You can download the Budget Buddy tool on our website or ask in branch.