About Us
Established in Newport in 1869 to help local people build homes, we now help people across Wales and England buy properties and save for their future.
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Mike Jones

Non-Executive Director

Appointed in 2024

Committee Membership:

  • Risk (Chair)
  • Audit

Background and Career
Mike worked at Principality Building Society for 25 years until June 2023, where he held a number of senior managerial positions, culminating in his appointment to the Board as Chief Risk Officer in 2013. He was also appointed as the Society’s Interim CEO during 2019/2020. Mike started his career at Midland Bank and subsequently worked at HSBC, undertaking a wide range of managerial roles in the retail and corporate banking divisions. Mike is a Non- Executive Director of Pobl Housing Group, where he chairs the Audit & Risk Committee. He also served as a member of the UK Finance Mortgage Product and Service Board from 2019 until 2022.

Skills and Experience
Mike has over 40 years’ experience in the financial services sector. He holds a degree in Economics, an MBA from Henley Management College, and is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Bankers. He has extensive knowledge of the Building Society sector and UK regulatory environment, together with a deep understanding of risk management, finance and banking.

Mike was very much attracted to working alongside the Monmouthshire Building Society’s team, which has such a strong focus on serving local communities. At a time when Banks and so many other businesses are withdrawing from face to face interaction with customers, he believes the Society’s commitment to the high street is becoming increasingly important.

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